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Tag: wedding in qatar

Find the best expat wedding offers

Working with an experienced event planner is necessary for your wedding or any other significant occasion. Hiring a wedding organizer may initially seem like a luxurious extravagance. It may sound like a great idea to have someone present to assure...

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Easy wedding alternative for Kuwait expats: Qatar

If you are an expat in Kuwait, considering other GCC countries for your dream wedding, this is just the read for you. Kuwait offers some of the most regal venues for a wedding, but the long and time-consuming process can be a bit of a hassle. Since...

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How to have an easy wedding in Qatar as a Saudi Expat

Countries operated under Sharia Law like Qatar have quite a lengthy process for marriage. The dragged-out waiting process is something that most couples don’t wish to experience. When they want to start a beautiful chapter of their life couples prefer...

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Abortion Law in Qatar: Does it impose strict rules?

As in many other countries, abortion is deemed to be an unlawful act in Qatar. Why is this so? Do people have any other choices? This Question arises in those situations where people are looking for the safest solutions of all. This article gives...

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