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Tag: online wedding

How to have an easy wedding in Qatar as a Saudi Expat

Countries operated under Sharia Law like Qatar have quite a lengthy process for marriage. The dragged-out waiting process is something that most couples don’t wish to experience. When they want to start a beautiful chapter of their life couples prefer...

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Abortion law in the US Vs Qatar

Expulsion or abortion of a fetus or embryo is not a cakewalk. In U.S 1 in 4 women abort a life during their pregnancy. In 1973 Roe v Wade legalized it nationwide from 50 years. However, the laws by different states helped to stop people to go on with...

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Getting married online for Qatar couple

If you live in the GCC countries and want to marry right away, you must be having difficulty. This is due to the GCC’s long and complex wedding procedure, which can sometimes take months. So, for you, an online marriage is the better option....

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Expat online wedding for Qatar residents and expats

Qatar, one of the most popular countries amongst many GCC expats, which is why it is home to so many foreigners. As an important place for immigrants coming to find jobs, the country welcomes foreigners. But, if you are in Qatar and looking for an...

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