Seychelles, an easy way to get married for Qatar expats
Getting married in Qatar is not an easy task. This is because of all the processes one has to go through before marriage. These processes may include digging out certificates, photocopying, fee trips to embassies, etc. As mentioned earlier, all of these could be stressful for couples.
Read on to know and understand why getting married in Seychelles is an easy way to get married for Qatar expats.
Requirements to get married in Qatar
Muslim Marriage in Qatar:
Muslim Marriages takes place at the Sharia Court. You are expected to provide two witnesses for the marriage. Sharia Court will only marry two Muslims. Although Marriage between a Christian and a Muslim is done in some other countries but not in Qatar.
Christian Marriage in Qatar:
This is the only non-Muslim marriage allowed Qatar. It is performed by churches registered with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and by clergy recognized by the Ministry to perform Christian marriages. If you want to have a Christian marriage in Qatar, you must;
- Contact the Anglican, orthodox or catholic church of Qatar to organize your marriage ceremony.
- Translate a copy of the marriage license into Arabic
- Register the Marriage certificate and Arabic translation there in the ministry of foreign affairs.
Some points to note about getting married in Qatar
- Couples have to get married only at approved venues. Beach wedding is therefore not allowed.
- Muslims have to get married in Sharia court
- Non Muslims must provide a letter from their sponsor.
- A Muslim man can marry a non-Muslim woman. However a non Muslim man must convert to Muslim to marry a Qatari woman.
Why choose to get married in Seychelles as a Qatar expat
You might want a wedding with less stressful preparations and less documentations. We therefore recommend a destination wedding in Seychelles. In other to avoid all the stress, Seychelles is one of the easiest places to get married because of the following reasons;
- The wedding license from Seychelles is internationally recognized,
- Wedding can be completed with minimum documents,
- Getting your marriage license will only take a few days.
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