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Legalization Embassy of Georgia to Canada – Key points for Qatar expats to note


The embassies of Georgia and Canada expect certain standards from people who want to visit or migrate to the countries for any reason. So, Qatar expats who want to travel to these countries must fulfill the requirements before they are granted entry. The legalization Embassy of Georgia to Canada manages this aspect of travel.

Qatar is not a member of the Hague Apostille convention and neither is Canada. So visitors from Qatar to Canada or Georgia will have to authenticate their documents. This text explains the methods of authentication for Georgia and Canada.

Vital requirements for legalization in Georgia and Canada

To legalize their documents in Canada, expats should come ready with the original documents to be validated. They also need:

  1. Their passports
  2. Evidence of the legalization fee payment
  3. An application form

All of the above documents should be addressed to the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada.  Georgia also expects applicants to submit the above documents. However, the process is to be completed on their e-application portal. A legalization fee will also be paid.

Final thoughts on embassy requirements for document authentication

As seen in the foregoing, Qatar expats cannot afford to overlook the authentication of their documents when they travel to countries like Canada and Georgia. The legalization embassy of Georgia to Canada needs the original copies of their documents to be available before the process can sail through.

Many believe that the process is simple and complete it by themselves. However, the surest way to prevent mistakes will be through the help of wedding agents. They have considerable experience in such matters.

Couples who consider the destination of Georgia for their weddings can book a consultation with our wedding team. They can help couples to arrive at the best decisions.

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